
Hello, my name is Jacob Ferraiolo. I am a senior data engineer currently living in Dallas, TX. I have worked as an analyst, data scientist, and now data engineer. I am interested in Finance, Data Engineering/Science, and various other topics at any given time. I decided to create this blog because I want to consolidate all the projects I work on and as well as provide a platform to organize my thoughts.

Who am I?

My first job was a pricing analyst at a small auto insurance company. Fortunately, part of this job’s training program was a brief stint in their MIS (management information systems) department. This gave me a chance to learn all about data engineering. I wrote my first lines of SQL, learned about data modeling, and worked with analysts to figure out how to use data to solve business problems.

Ever since that first job, I was hooked on using data to solve problems. From there, I worked as a data scientist for a few years before realizing that I needed to learn more engineering to be effective. So, I pivoted to data engineering and have been doing it ever since.

This experience ranging from analytics to engineering has given me a broad view of the data landscape. My goal with this blog is primarily to organize my thoughts and projects. They say writing is the best way to structure your thoughts, and that’s what I hope to do here.





This blog is created with Github pages and Jekyll. You can find the source here.